The Modern Day Caste System In Latin American Society

<p>You may have wondered what does this title mean and probably curious to know what is the caste system? While I was studying the history of the Spanish colonialism in the late 16th to 17th century, this term has popped up occasionally as they refer to the Spanish government imposing the system in the New World. Why was it important to the Spanish colonials?<br /> The caste system is a social stratification that breaks down into different ethnic groups or hierarchical social classes. In this case, this occurred when the Spanish and the Portuguese conquered the Americas and soon encountered the Native Indians. African slaves were also brought by the Europeans to help with the strenuous labor. The Spanish and Portuguese government were also heavily influenced with Catholic beliefs which later became the dominant religion in the&nbsp;New&nbsp;World. The Spanish believed that in order to establish their Catholic kingdom, they have to convert everyone who inhabited&nbsp;the&nbsp;land.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>