Nature of Language and Language of Nature

<p>Ecofeminism is a critical theory that combines the feminist fight for emancipation with the ecocritical voice advocating for nature&rsquo;s liberation. The discourse makes connections between the treatment of women and the natural world &mdash; seeing them emerging as a result of one another&rsquo;s oppression &mdash; and strives to reconfigure the dualities dictated by the patriarchal, classist, and capitalistic subjugators.&nbsp;<em>Ecofeminism: Women, Culture, Nature</em>&nbsp;is a collection of essays edited by Karen J. Warren that cumulates a wide range of voices from various academic backgrounds to paint a complex, interdisciplinary approach to the topic. Despite being published twenty-five years ago, the text still feels relevant to today&rsquo;s sociopolitical context, and it serves as an incredible introduction to ecofeminism as well as a very informative expansion of ideas to those already familiar with it.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>