Thailand — The Land of Smiles

<p>After several years of working without a break, I was worn out and needed time to recharge. The answer was to buy a ticket to Thailand and let a new adventure begin.</p> <h2>Pattaya &mdash; Sin City</h2> <p>After a long flight from Sydney to Bangkok, I was looking forward to arriving and having a long-deserved break. I had arranged for a two-week holiday to try and destress and Pattaya seemed like it would be a nice place to visit.</p> <p>After a 1 hour drive in a taxi from Bangkok to Pattaya, I was dropped off at my hotel and my first mission was to find a sim card so I could contact my wife back in Australia.</p> <p>I found a mall that was selling sim cards and after signing up for a month&#39;s data plan, I explored Pattaya and found some food. It was not long until I found a market that was selling street food. Now let me tell you, if you have not eaten Thai street food then you have not lived.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: land Smiles