Great Lakes Earth: Geography

<p>Let us say that, in the future, some scientists have created satellites capable of something that seems science fiction for now &mdash; punching the walls of the universe to study an alternate reality. By that scenario, some hundreds of &ldquo;alternate Earths&rdquo; from hundreds of alternate universes would already have been discovered and meticulously studied. As much as half of them would still be ruled by humans, unfolded by events that turned out differently. One universe, for example, had an Earth where 9/11 never happened, or where the outcome of the Revolutionary and Civil Wars ended up differently.</p> <p>One of the most interesting to note was a planet that scientists call &ldquo;Alternate Earth 111&rdquo;, known to the public as &ldquo;Great Lakes Earth&rdquo;.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Lakes Earth