Lagacé grilled for dissing grilled lights

<p>Patrick Lagac&eacute; offered his recent column as a kind of postcard from Copenhagen inspired by his summer trip to the Danish capital. He claims that the great Danes are far more obedient, civil and law-abiding than Montrealers when astride their bicycles, he even cites some statistics (only 4.9% of Danish cyclists breaking the rules of the road while 66% of Danish drivers did). Despite admitting that he has absolutely no statistics to support his views of Montr&eacute;al cyclists, he begins to berate them for their lack of decency, their failure to stop and let him turn onto his road when he&rsquo;s driving around in his car (even though he doesn&rsquo;t actually say whether they have a stop sign or not), and how cyclists slalom dangerously between pedestrians (although he does note that when a driver does it in their SUV it is more dangerous than the cyclist).</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: grilled lights