Lady Behind the Legend

<p>In the end, William &ldquo;Billy&rdquo; Dixon cared far less about being a legend or hero than he did about the vibrancy of life he had experienced on the Great Plains. Death flirted with the famed frontier scout and buffalo hunter on more than one occasion, but it was in those harrowing moments that he remembered feeling most alive.</p> <p>A reflective Dixon recalled one of those life-defining episodes shortly before his death in 1913. His mind drifted to his days as a young buffalo hunter at Adobe Walls, a remote outpost of hide men and tradesmen in the Texas Panhandle. There, in the pre-dawn hours of June 27, 1874, Dixon caught a glimpse of a large body of shadowy objects near a timber line beyond some grazing horses. They were moving toward the outpost. Dixon strained his eyes but couldn&rsquo;t define anything in the murky light. Suddenly, the darkened objects &ldquo;spread out like a fan&rdquo; and unleased a collective, thunderous war whoop that seemed to &ldquo;shake the very air of the early morning.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
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