This Is the Hard Truth About Your Chronic Lack of Time

<p>I have a toddler. He&rsquo;s the most amazing person in the world. Objectively speaking, of course. He&rsquo;s smart, loving, incredibly curious about the world, and has energy like no human I&rsquo;ve ever met.</p> <p>Thanks to him, I understand what &ldquo;keeping someone on their toes&rdquo; really means because I can&rsquo;t sit down for a moment. If I thought I had ever been tired before, it&rsquo;s nothing compared to the sleep deprivation and the constant&nbsp;<em>go, go, go!</em></p> <p>Being responsible for a tiny human has made me hyper-aware of time.<br /> My time depends entirely on his needs. I can&rsquo;t just put breakfast on hold or wait to change a diaper. Things have to get done when they have to get done. Period.</p> <p>I also understand what &ldquo;time flies&rdquo; really means because it seems like he was born yesterday, and now he has his own ideas, desires, and experiences.</p> <p>But most of all, now I understand that when I used to say, &ldquo;I don&rsquo;t have time,&rdquo; I meant, &ldquo;I don&rsquo;t feel like doing this right now.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Lack Time