I’m not only practice chemistry in the laboratory

<p>The first half of 2023 is filled with lab, attended my friend&rsquo;s seminar, lab, company visit, lab, book club, lab.</p> <p>Yap, mostly i circle around the lab lol. I looked at my old pictures from January till June and mostly my lab, my reagent, and my instrument. It kinda makes sense because i have to rush so i can graduate in October. But yeah, that&rsquo;s why lab has become the main topic.</p> <p>Six months in the lab is not only about chemistry. Lab is not only about the procedure, the reaction, the report, etc. While what i was researching is a big part of it, struggling in the lab gives more than that. Sometimes, more than what i thought i needed.</p> <p><a href="https://rainaya.medium.com/im-not-only-practice-chemistry-in-laboratory-1e136fc221ce"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>