I Accidentally Asked To Kiss My Coworker

<p>Growing up in Canada has its perks. One of those perks is: no matter where you are in the world, you can usually find someone that speaks English. I decided to challenge myself &mdash; it was time to learn something different.</p> <h1>Could I learn Mandarin Chinese?</h1> <p>For some people, language comes easily. My brother Keegan travelled Europe and could pick up accents and phrases within days. His impression of my German aunt singing &lsquo;Happy Birthday&rsquo; is Oscar worthy.</p> <p>For me? Not so much. 3 years ago, I started learning Mandarin using Duolingo. At the beginning, I struggled to recall words and phrases I had learned hours before. I was progressing so slowly, that I decided to create &ldquo;Brett&rsquo;s Book of Chinese Phrases&rdquo; to help me remember (it didn&rsquo;t work).</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@brettmcgonigal/i-accidentally-asked-to-kiss-my-coworker-f49acbb10534"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Kiss coworker