A Day ON: Celebrating and Activating Dr. King’s Legacy

<p>It is so rare and lovely to connect with other white folks committed to ending racism. We talked about how this work feels in our bodies, prods at our white perfectionist tendencies, what it looks like in action for each of us, what it doesn&rsquo;t look like, what it could look like. There are folks recently back South trying to figure out what anti-racist work looks like there, if anyone is ready for that conversation and how to even start it. There are white Jewish organizers in Brooklyn feeling equipped to speak with white progressives but not the pro-Trump neighborhood down the road. There is me stumbling along in various capacities and various states of excuse making, grasping to reground myself in this work and forgive myself for time wasted and risks not taken.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@Jenn_Pete/a-day-on-celebrating-and-activating-0a85064334d2"><strong>Website</strong></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
Tags: Kings Legacys