The Unkind King’s Appetite

<p>Once upon a time, in a distant kingdom, there lived a cruel king who had an evil appetite for eating human kids. Tales of his wickedness spread like wildfire, as whispers of the cruel king eating humans-kids echoed through the villages. Fear gripped the people&rsquo;s hearts, and darkness cast its shadow over the once-thriving land.</p> <h1>The Goat</h1> <p>The cruel king&rsquo;s most peculiar possession was a goat, a creature with eyes that mirrored the wickedness of its owner. The goat was no ordinary farm animal; it was rumoured to possess an otherworldly taste.</p> <p>An old woman, bent with age and twisted by the harshness of life, was the one who milked the goat. It was when the baby goat lost its mother. After some years, this goat became the dinner of the cruel king. Then he found its meat super tasty and had a great aroma.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Kings Appetite