Why the United Kingdom builds ugly and expensive homes

<p>Beyond aesthetic concerns, British homes are also Europe&rsquo;s smallest, oldest, least well insulated, and yet most expensive. There is a problem. Or rather there are two problems: cost and beauty. And as we&rsquo;ll see, these problems are not the inevitable consequence of things like the UK&rsquo;s limited land. Both Belgium and the Netherlands are more crowded and yet their homes are similar in size and price as those of large neighboring countries like Germany and France. The problem isn&rsquo;t the natural consequence of geography. It is the result of astonishingly daft policies that both make it difficult to build homes and ensure that the few homes that get built are so often ugly.</p> <p><a href="https://sachameyers.medium.com/the-united-kingdoms-housing-crises-of-beauty-and-affordability-1303c9636f30"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Kingdom builds