The Mystery Behind King Richard III's Death

<p>The English monarch Richard III, whom Shakespeare portrayed as a megalomaniacal, malevolent hunchback, is one of the most famous villains in history. But while we&rsquo;ve got lengthy regard that Richard met defeat and suffered his loss of life at the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485, it remained a mystery exactly how he died. Was he killed in battle? And in that case, why never found him observed dead?</p> <p>On 22 August 1485, at the Battle of Bosworth, Richard III led a hooked-up cavalry rate against Henry Tudor in an attempt to kill him and end the war. During the following fighting, Richard III was surrounded by the aid of Tudor&rsquo;s supporters who cut him down. Contemporary bills commonly agree that a blow, or blows to the head killed Richard III, a few crediting Welsh foot squaddies armed with halberds as the killers.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: King Richard