The Maestro and the Boy: The Kindness of Manly P. Hall

<p>The net is a wonderful resource, a worldwide flea market, a massive if haphazard library of Alexandria, offering insights from every culture, and cult on planet Earth, and many that claim to be extraterrestrial. But the Internet offers more misinformation than fact. Out of context illustrations and quotations are used by careless researchers to allege satanic cults and malevolent political plots. Further complicating the situation, popular definitions of key words have changed. When Manly Hall wrote about the illuminati he meant something roughly equivalent to &ldquo;the most enlightened of every age,&rdquo; western bodhisattvas, no one could be more devoted to the good of human beings. Today illuminati usually refer to a secret organization of elite oligarchs with nefarious plans whose influence behind the scenes of history has caused terrible suffering. The meanings could not be more opposed. But with his knowledge of the ironies of history MPH would not have been surprised to find himself on the black list.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Kindness Manly