My 65 Year Old Dad Bought A Gun. Now, I Can’t Bring My Kids Home to Visit.

<p>The United States has a gun-obsessed culture. The bad guys have guns. Many of the good guys have guns. Our movies have guns. Our TV shows have guns. And our Constitution says we can go ahead and get some more. So millions of people have them, in their homes, in their cars, their purses, or even carried openly. For many, the idea is self defense &mdash; protection from some theoretical harm that may come their way. For others, the gun is theoretically for sport. Some collect them like baseball cards, amassing an arsenal that would make mob bosses blush.</p> <p>Meanwhile, our kids know they can be killed at any time, simply for going to class. While there have been mass shootings at movie theaters, businesses and churches, young children armed with little more than backpacks and pens make for an easy mark for homicidal gun nuts looking to rack up high numbers of casualties, regardless of their motives. For years, the near-weekly calamities of on campus shootings have blurred from one to another, where we simply have to say the names of the schools to dredge up memories of horror. Sandy Hook. Columbine. Stoneman Douglas. Virginia Tech. Santa Fe High.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
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