I Was Bullied. My Kids and Grandkids were Bullied. It’s Got to Stop

<p>I was bullied unmercifully by several boys, but especially by the kid on the receiving end of this punch. He hit me and kicked me every day for years. I don&rsquo;t have photos of that, but a neighbor managed to grab the moment when I&rsquo;d had enough.</p> <p>The kid, Donald, had just hit my brother and said nasty things about my mom and a donkey. I confronted him, and we traded punches. He was so mean to everyone that the neighborhood kids were cheering me on.</p> <p>Donald once randomly hit me so hard that he knocked out two teeth. He was yelling that I was f*g. His parents paid my dental bill, and he calmed down a bit. Back then, Donald and my other bullies led to me contemplating ending my life.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/peace-and-justice/i-was-bullied-my-kids-and-grandkids-were-bullied-its-got-to-stop-80fffdc4f0ac"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Kids Grandkids