That Time My Kid Googled Me and I Was No Longer “Dad”

<p>Hey Daddy, are you popular?&rdquo; My eight-year-old daughter ambushed me one Sunday morning, her voice squeaking equally with cheekiness and curiosity.</p> <p>&ldquo;Huh?&rdquo; I said, deep in a different thought as I looked up from my phone, half-dazed in a scrolling coma.</p> <p>&ldquo;Are you famous?&rdquo; She hugged her iPad to her chest like it held information that could risk national security.</p> <p>&ldquo;Why do you ask?&rdquo; I quizzed, suddenly giving her my full attention, courtesy of my ego recognizing a stroking opportunity.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Kid Googled