Out of Control: the New Biology of Machines, Social Systems and the Economic World, according to Kevin Kelly

<p>In 1992, Kevin Kelly&rsquo;s book &lsquo;<strong>Out of Control: the New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, and the Economic World</strong>&rsquo; attempted to throw light on the new era of complexity brought on by the synergy of computers, networks, and human evolution. In the book&rsquo;s introduction, Kelly sat inside the&nbsp;<strong>Biosphere 2</strong>&nbsp;project (a closed ecological system in Oracle, Arizona) and reflected:</p> <p>&ldquo;<strong><em>The realm of the born &mdash; all that is nature &mdash; and the realm of the made &mdash; all that is humanly constructed &mdash; are becoming one. Machines are becoming biological and the biological is becoming engineered &hellip;Clockwork logic &mdash; the logic of the machines &mdash; will only build simple contraptions. Truly complex systems such as a cell, a meadow, an economy, or a brain (natural or artificial) require a rigorous nontechnological logic.</em></strong>&rdquo;</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/codex/out-of-control-the-new-biology-of-machines-social-systems-and-the-economic-world-according-to-87b48a525eab"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Kevin Kelly