What happens when you have Saturn and Ketu Conjunction?

<p><strong>A stressful combination</strong>&nbsp;&mdash; Again, two strong malefics are together&nbsp;<strong>making you work really hard,&nbsp;</strong>you can have where things related to the house where it falls will be&nbsp;<strong>severely impacted</strong>, like in 4th house the relation with mother and home environment or in 5th house the relation with children or the love interests. These people<strong>&nbsp;constantly feel separated from the work they are doing</strong>, especially if it is a routine job setup work. They remain a seeker of their real duties in this life as they feel isolated from a normal routine work. As Saturn represents Law &amp;Govt, they&nbsp;<strong>can go into legal field</strong>&nbsp;but on personal level they&nbsp;<strong>may not be very law abiding or principled people themselves.&nbsp;</strong>That&rsquo;s why, they don&rsquo;t like routine jobs or following a routine way of living. In the end, they can find peace in unusual fields like Occult or Spirituality as Ketu represents these things and Saturn is our duties in life.</p> <p><a href="https://vedicfuture.medium.com/what-happens-when-you-have-saturn-and-ketu-conjunction-152861c430b2"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>