Does the Kenyan middle class exist and how large is it?

<p>It&rsquo;s time to get down with this question, does Kenya have a middle class? If it exists, how big is it, and what are its prospects? Depending on who you ask, people provide many answers to the middle-class question. The World Bank, for example, ranks Kenya as a&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">lower-middle-income</a>&nbsp;nation. Furthermore, the country&rsquo;s GDP per capita in US$ is 2099.3.</p> <p>These figures might be promising but don&rsquo;t answer the middle-class question. Despite the low-middle-income status, the country is not out of the woods yet, with a poverty headcount ratio of 29.4%. That is the percentage of people in the country who live on less than $2.15 a day at 2017 PP-adjusted prices.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Kenyan Middle