Think Twice Before Investing in Keith Haring!

<p>Keith Haring was an American artist who was one of the driving forces in the art community that developed outside the gallery and museum system in 1980s New York. Haring is known for his cartoony drawings with thick outlines that are still able to convey movement and something deeper than what you might imagine with such a simplistic style. These appreciable qualities have helped Haring become one of the most popular and recognizable artists in the world, and thus, the pace at which his prices appreciate can be enticing for investors/ collectors.</p> <p><img alt="" src="*_Z-3quhwS68A75X4" style="height:404px; width:700px" /></p> <p><em>Keith Haring, Retrospect, screenprint in colours, 1989</em></p> <p>Yet, I think there are two considerations that beginner investors should hear before deciding to invest in Keith Haring:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Keith Haring