Keep Running Your Mouth

<p>Irecently went out on a limb and made a post about my LGBT kids on Nextdoor.</p> <p>For those who don&rsquo;t know why that would be &ldquo;going out on a limb,&rdquo; perhaps your Nextdoor is not like mine. Where we live, Nextdoor is a lot of judgmental gossips.</p> <p>The majority of posts and comments on our Nextdoor are bemoaning the rise in crime, reporting in about suspicious people walking around, and warnings of car break-ins. It&rsquo;s a fairly conservative place.</p> <p>So when I made the post, it was&nbsp;<em>definitely</em>&nbsp;going out on a limb considering the content.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: running Mouth