KASPA PRICE PREDICTION & Analysis (2023–09–13)

<p>For those who have been following the journey of crypto-currency Kaspa, you would have noticed the bullish trend that has held its course strongly for the past week. Let me dive deeper into the analysis.</p> <h2>Bulls outplay bears in Kaspa&rsquo;s market performance</h2> <p>Despite a market-wide bearish drift, Kaspa has been showing bullish signs. Until recently, there were some bearish confirmations, with Kaspa breaking down below four cents and holding it as resistance that tapered last Sunday. Nevertheless, Kaspa emitted mixed signals. As of now, the bullish indications appear louder, especially post-breaching of the 4.2 cents sector.</p> <h2>How high can Kaspa go?</h2> <p>[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Hfc_kKjMfs[/embed] Considering the current market tension, the question that takes the spotlight is &mdash; how high will the Kaspa rally reach? Amid the excitement, contemplations of new all-time highs are starting to emerge. Although we&rsquo;re still some distance from realizing that feat &mdash; a good 15% climb &mdash; it&rsquo;s not entirely improbable.</p> <h2>Analyzing Kaspa&rsquo;s volume and open interest</h2> <p>Another crucial factor to consider is the open interest and volume trend. At present, there&rsquo;s only gradual growth in both areas, exhibiting some peaks and valleys. Kaspa&rsquo;s current open interest and volume do not display extreme growth, which indicates a steady, reliable progression. At present, it stands at a robust resistance level around 4.4 cents.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@CoinRevision/kaspa-price-prediction-analysis-2023-09-13-82d6e89a8e96"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>