11 Mistakes to avoid when hiking the Kalalau Trail

<p>Let&rsquo;s get right to point: this trail is anything but easy. With 11+ miles, over 3,000 ft cumulative elevation gain, rough terrain, heavy pack, stream crossings, ledges, heat, rain, and plenty of other small and big challenges, it&rsquo;s not for the unprepared and fainthearted. This is not a let&rsquo;s-go-for-a-quick-hike Sunday afternoon stroll.</p> <p>You&rsquo;ll want to be prepared and ready. In addition to the right gear and good general preparedness, this means being in the right physical condition. You need endurance, strong legs, good balance, but also core and upper body strength. For me, this means targeted training for 2&ndash;3 months to get into the proper shape. (I&rsquo;ll post more about my training program in the future.)</p> <p><a href="https://rrosendahl.medium.com/11-mistakes-to-avoid-when-hiking-the-kalalau-trail-527ba3c51329"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Kalalau Trail