Kabbalah and Tarot: The Tree of Life

<p>Nine of the ten&nbsp;<em>sephiroth&nbsp;</em>are arranged on the tree to form&nbsp;<strong>three</strong>&nbsp;<strong>triangles</strong>, and in each triangle, two opposing factors are balanced by a third.</p> <p>At the base of the Tree is a single sphere,&nbsp;<strong>Malkuth</strong>, which represents the material world. The meaning of the entire Tree pours through&nbsp;<strong>Yesod</strong>, the &ldquo;spout,&rdquo; into Malkuth, where it is made manifest.</p> <p>Lines running between the&nbsp;<em>sephiroth</em>&nbsp;represent twenty-two&nbsp;<strong>paths</strong>. They form a kind of spiral staircase of spiritual ascent, leading from the Kingdom, or world of man, at the bottom, to the Crown of God at the top. Each path is assigned a Hebrew letter.</p> <p><a href="https://cynthiagiles.medium.com/kabbalah-and-tarot-the-tree-of-life-ef0c170390c9"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Kabbalah Tarot