How the Movement for K-12 AAPI History Can Be Saved

<p>The grassroots movement for inclusion of Asian American and Pacific Islander history in our public schools has been a beacon of hope to the AAPI community. Despite progress made, we now find ourselves at great risk because of an organization called Make Us Visible National, which is jeopardizing our movement&rsquo;s future with values and tactics that are hurting AAPIs and other marginalized communities. Most recently, Make Us Visible National pushed through a sanitized version of AAPI history in Florida against a backdrop of alien land laws, LGBTQIA+ erasure in schools, and the banning of AP African American history. As it has sought to assume top-down control of this work, Make Us Visible National has also directed state-level AAPI advocates to focus only on the positive aspects of AAPI history and forbid use of language from a list that includes terms such as &ldquo;equity,&rdquo; &ldquo;anti-racism,&rdquo; and &ldquo;social justice.&sup1;&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: K-12 AAPI