Just Start Over

<p>Time has many downsides.</p> <p>For one, it is both unrelenting and one-directional &mdash; you cannot get off the train, and the train only heads north.</p> <p>For another, it is unkind. As improbable clumps of order, much is lost in the process of moving from left to right in a universe that prefers a mess.</p> <p>It is tempting to be unhappy with this circumstance. It may seem to matter little that all of the good we fear to lose is itself derived from the passing of time.</p> <p>This post is a reminder that it shouldn&rsquo;t.</p> <p>The nature of time is one of those basic facts about existence that we generally prefer not to think about much. The nature of space is another, as pointed out by Bertrand Russel in his small but revolutionary book&nbsp;<em>Sceptical Essays:</em></p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@jhousehay/just-start-over-2ab8f6399fb6">Read More</a></p>
Tags: Just cleanse