Letter to a Junior Designer

<p>The ultimate mentor to teach you everything you need for a successful career is pretty rare. When I finally let go of that mental image of a perfect mentor I started to see the teachers I had all around me. Look for people that are happy and confident in what they do. Every person you meet has something to teach you. Some of my greatest career mentors don&rsquo;t know a thing about design but have helped me improve the way I communicate, present myself, and lead. The marketing director at one of my first jobs was a great mentor. He wasn&rsquo;t a designer by any stretch but he taught me a lot about communication by example and direct feedback. Mark taught me the value of asking more questions and seeking to understand.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/built-to-adapt/letter-to-a-junior-designer-e96659725678"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>