What did Julius Caesar look like?

<p>The ancient Roman historian Suetonius describes the appearance of Gaius Julius Caesar as follows: &ldquo;They say he was tall, fair-skinned, well-built, with a full face, black and lively eyes. He was distinguished by excellent health: only towards the end of his life did he suffer sudden fainting spells and night terrors, and he had epileptic seizures twice during activities. He took overly meticulous care of his body, cutting and shaving his hair and plucking it, for which many reproached him. His baldness was unbearable to him, as it often attracted the mockery of his enemies. Therefore, he usually combed his thinning hair from the crown to the forehead; for the same reason, he gladly accepted and used the right to always wear a laurel wreath.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@ancient.rome/what-did-julius-caesar-look-like-7768665e454b"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Julius Caesar