Examining the Problematic Exercise of Judicial Power
<p>One of the criticisms I received for <a href="https://medium.com/@thejusticelark/abusive-family-court-judges-accountability-required-7e018dde7bca" rel="noopener">a story I wrote on abusive judges</a>, is that I am being unfair to people who did not have the ability to defend themselves or to respond in kind — judicial rules preventing such dialogue in the public sphere.</p>
<p>That <a href="https://medium.com/@thejusticelark/abusive-family-court-judges-accountability-required-7e018dde7bca" rel="noopener">particular story</a> had a large readership, because I’d had it posted across Facebook community boards throughout New Zealand and beyond, with the intention of publicising the harms I understand (from many years of professional and personal experience) that abusive family court judges inflict on many that appear before them.</p>
<p><a href="https://thejusticelark.medium.com/how-judges-exercise-power-is-problematic-5f93b7de5474"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>