A Train Journey Solo as an American Teenager from Vienna to Prague

<p>&ldquo;Sorry, we decided to go to Budapest instead,&rdquo; the boys told me. It was the class&rsquo;s last day in Vienna. Our course abroad had come to an end.</p> <p>They were close friends. I was their fellow student, age 18, who wanted very badly to go to Prague. I didn&rsquo;t care about traveling alone, but my parents did.</p> <p>To keep my folks from worrying, I&rsquo;d asked these two if they would join me on a train ride to Prague after the course in Vienna ended. They&rsquo;d given a yes &mdash; but now I was in a jam.</p> <p>I couldn&rsquo;t quit just because these two quit. But, there was one thing I knew: I could not tell anyone back home what I was doing until it was done.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/world-travelers-blog/a-train-journey-solo-as-an-american-teenager-from-vienna-to-prague-730ee4ee76a4"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Train Journey