A Journey of Belonging: Embodying White Antiracism as an Ancestral Practice

<p>White supremacy, heterosexism, transphobia, ableism, capitalism are systems of oppression that fog our souls away from knowing and believing in ourselves and each other. To love is hard, to heal is hard, to reveal the pain is hard. How little we grow into knowing how to care and hold each other. How much we learn to destroy and critique each other. I show up with a deep desire to build a better world by being the world I need inside and out and I show up with humility, making mistakes and being dupped by a culture of whiteness that never taught me to see. It is through healing and spirituality, through my relationship with God, with the divine that I return to belonging, return to love.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@jardana/a-journey-of-belonging-embodying-white-antiracism-as-an-ancestral-practice-8f74ff1bf8d8"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>