Drawing journey

<p>I chose this beautiful doodle picture because that&rsquo;s how my art journey feels. I am floating in space, surrounded by a million things, and I can&rsquo;t seem to make up my mind.</p> <p>Last time I told you about my writing journey. The story seems incomplete without telling you something about my art journey.</p> <p>I loved drawing when I was a child. I am sure many children love drawing, acting, and singing when they are children, and they usually mention it more often when they become one of these things later on. You always hear famous actors and singers say &lsquo;Well, I was fascinated by it since I was a child&hellip;&rsquo; In truth, all children are fascinated by millions of things, and sometimes it just happens that life and luck led them in that direction, other times not. Though I loved drawing, and I even followed this passion in high school, I gave it up later on and it was one of my biggest regrets. At that time I lacked technique, and unfortunately, the teacher gave more attention to the more talented, already art-shaped kids than to me. But, that&rsquo;s not an excuse. If I knew then what I know now, I would definitely advise the insecure me to practice more in my free time and not feel discouraged by other people&rsquo;s talents. But, it&rsquo;s easier said than done. I also had a lot of things going on in my life at that time. So in conclusion, I should be more understanding with myself and do now what I couldn&rsquo;t do then.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@niguanta/drawing-journey-9a9c346f52ec"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>