Solving the Josephus Problem with Python: A Historical Riddle and Code Exploration

<p>The Josephus Problem, named after the Jewish historian Flavius Josephus, is derived from a story during the Jewish-Roman War. Josephus and 40 of his soldiers found themselves trapped in a cave by Roman soldiers. Rather than surrender, they chose mass suicide, forming a circle. Every third soldier killed the person to their left until one soldier remained, who surrendered to the Romans. Josephus, preferring capture to death, cleverly positioned himself to be that last survivor.</p> <p>This problem has since captured the imaginations of mathematicians, computer scientists, and puzzle enthusiasts. The question it poses is deceptively simple: In a circle of &rsquo;n&rsquo; people, every &lsquo;k-th&rsquo; person is eliminated until only one remains. Your task is to find the position of that last person.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>