Johnson’s reaction against Shakespeare regarding distinction of time and place

<p>Samuel Johnson, a prominent 18th-century literary critic, expressed his reaction against William Shakespeare&rsquo;s handling of the distinction of time and place in his work &ldquo;Preface to Shakespeare,&rdquo; which was written in 1765. In this preface, Johnson discusses various aspects of Shakespeare&rsquo;s plays and provides his critical analysis of the Bard&rsquo;s dramatic techniques.</p> <p>One of the elements that Johnson critiques in Shakespeare&rsquo;s plays is the lack of strict adherence to the classical principles of unity of time and place. According to the neo-classical rules, as derived from Aristotle&rsquo;s Poetics, a play should take place within a single day (unity of time) and in one location (unity of place). This was seen as a way to maintain the coherence and verisimilitude of the dramatic action.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>