My Semester With Professor John Sexton

<p>This past semester, I spent two hours every Tuesday night with 15 fellow freshman in President Sexton&rsquo;s seminar,&nbsp;<em>the Supreme Court and the Religious Clauses</em>. With weekly 5 page papers to write and the hundreds of pages of Supreme Court opinions to read, it wasn&rsquo;t an easy class by any means. Every Monday night &mdash; or Tuesday morning, if procrastination hit exceptionally hard &mdash; I&rsquo;d wonder why the hell I&rsquo;d ever thought taking the class was a good idea, as I summarized an especially sassy opinion by Justice Scalia or a 60-page nap-inducing dissent by Justice Brennan.</p> <p>Every class, though, I remembered exactly why the course was worth the coffee-powered all-nighters.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: John Sexton