What to Make of John McWhorter

<p>John McWhorter is a linguist based at Columbia University who has designated himself as a culture warrior of a different stripe from the liberals usually given that term. He self-identifies as an anti-culture warrior who wants to show left-leaning social activists that he knows better than they and that they are wrong, wrong, wrong about what they believe and in the tactics they use.</p> <p>Moreover, he claims their effects are counter productive. Instead of advancing the rights and cultural access of disadvantaged people, he says they impede those people&rsquo;s progress toward attaining rights and social access. They are bad culture warriors. McWhorter lists among them Ibram Kendi, Nikole Hannah-Jones, Kwame Anthony Appiah, Jamil Smith, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Ayanna Pressley, all Black people like himself.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/rome-magazine/what-to-make-of-john-mcwhorter-350321e047a3"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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