The Night I Met ‘John Doe’ at the ER

<p>Saturday night shift, and I was assigned along with two other clerks to the ER, commonly termed the Emergency Room of the Surgery Department. So here comes the emergency case of an unknown patient who was a complete stranger with no names or IDs and who entered as &ldquo;<strong>JOHN Doe</strong>&rdquo; (<em>that&rsquo;s how they unidentified person who needs emergency medical care</em>) in our hospital system.</p> <p>All that appeared to my eyes was this person being rushed in on the stretcher, attached with all kinds of amputation support to his legs and arms, cervical stabilization to his neck, intubated, a lot of commotion, and a&nbsp;<strong>GCS of 3</strong>. He was completely unresponsive, and I don&rsquo;t know for how long he has been like that.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: John Doe