Lost in Translation Filming Locations: Joganji Temple in Tokyo’s Nakano Ward

<p>Early in the film Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson) makes a solo trip to a small temple in Tokyo after navigating Tokyo&rsquo;s perplexing subway system. While there, she walks in on a Buddhist ceremony being performed by several monks to a small audience. She then returns to room at the Park Hyatt in Shinjuku where she calls one of her friends back in the US, explaining (through some sniffling) that she &ldquo;didn&rsquo;t feel anything&rdquo; while watching the monks.</p> <p><img alt="" src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:700/1*y6_pc0WlbrOoiPJB62sGSg.png" style="height:380px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Charlotte takes in a Buddhist ceremony at the main prayer altar (Lost in Translation, 2003)</p> <p>The Buddhist temple she visited was Joganji Temple (成願寺) in Tokyo&rsquo;s Nakano Ward, which is not very far from the Park Hyatt and the rest of Shinjuku, which is one of Tokyo&rsquo;s nerve centers (similar to Times Square). The address of Joganji Temple is 2&ndash;26&ndash;6 Honcho in Nakano Ward, and is an oasis of green perched amongst a sea of concrete.</p> <p><a href="https://black-harpoon.medium.com/lost-in-translation-filming-locations-joganji-temple-in-tokyos-nakano-ward-e615b96bc686"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>