Resolving “ Address already in use: connect” Error During Load Testing with JMeter on Windows

<p>Performing load tests using JMeter is a common practice in software development and testing. However, sometimes you may encounter an error message that says, &ldquo; Address already in use: connect.&rdquo; This error typically occurs when there are not enough available ports for JMeter to establish connections during the test. Fortunately, there is a straightforward solution to this problem. In this article, I will explore the steps to resolve the &ldquo;; error on a Windows machine when performing a load test with JMeter.</p> <p>I faced this issue while running JMeter on a Windows instance, attempting to send 500 concurrent requests to an Apache server for a load test, but I could not reach 500 concurrent threads on the machine where JMeter was running. During the process, I was able to observe this error message that &ldquo; Address already in use: connect&rdquo;.</p> <p>After further debugging, I was able to find that this is windows based issue. In Windows Server, it will only make outbound TCP/IP connections using 1024&ndash;5000 and take up to 4 minutes to recycle them. Hence, if we need to do a lot of connections in a short period of time, you can easily increase the port range if you are running a load test.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: JMeter Windows