My Fellow Jews Demand I Take a Side: Do You Stand With Israel? Or Are You Pro-Palestinian?

<p>I am deeply pained by the events unfolding in Israel and Gaza. And I am filled with sadness and trepidation as I share my perspective on this war because it seems to challenge the dominant narrative here in the U.S. However, as a therapist and a Jew, part of my work is to recognize blind spots, particularly when they result in privileging one perspective over another in ways that can be harmful. I am aware of the blind spots, of the particular distortion of realities and others&rsquo; humanity that my own socialization, history and experience have embedded in me, and I know I have caused harm because of them. I do not have answers, but I do have a heart filled with longing for us to do and be better as well as ongoing experiences of a radical change in my own understanding of the world as a result of deep, generative listening.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Jews Demand