Jewish Trauma May Be Passed Down Through The Generations

<p>Sometimes I&rsquo;d lie on my back among the sleep-breathing sounds of my bunkmates, thinking about how in bunks similar to these &mdash; shoddily constructed wooden barracks &mdash; just over 50 years prior, Jews slept the sleep of the almost-dead. They starved and burned with fever, scratching at lice crawling over their bodies. Nature, to me, meant the idyllic images of camp and its fragrant sunbaked pine, but also the nightmare of their camps, Jews crouching in brush or being mowed down in rows by machine guns in the forest.</p> <p>I was a sensitive and anxious child. Learning about the Holocaust in third grade was probably too young for me, my vivid imagination transformed what I read about in books&hellip;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Jewish Trauma