The Agnostic’s Guide to Jewish Prayer

<p>Imagine reading the libretto of La Boheme out loud in the original Italian without knowing the language. You&rsquo;d be bored to tears. With an English translation, you would at least understand the plot. But there&rsquo;d be no magic there. The plot is a formulaic bit of melodrama. The words aren&rsquo;t that special. The dialogue, uninspired. But attend a performance of La Boheme and you can weep from the power of the music.</p> <p>Jewish communal prayer is too often like reading La Boheme without the music. At each seat in our synagogues and temples is a prayerbook, nicely bound and artfully designed with an accessible English translation. But the Hebrew language isn&rsquo;t the problem. Something is missing. Read the prayers in English and in many ways, the problem gets worse. The words fail to penetrate the heart.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Jewish Prayer