Why I Am Not Leaving The Jewish People

<p>The current reality seems to contradict everything I was raised to value in Judaism. I was raised to value anti-racism, justice, compassion, sensitivity to the other, a belief in education, reasoning and clear communication, non-violence, humane-ness. I was taught that if one could think and speak clearly and bring compassion to the table, humanity could move forward. I was taught there was something particularly Jewish about this sensibility.</p> <p>Yet when I look at the community today I see defenders of the Israeli state accusing those who offer moral critiques of its actions of not even being Jewish&ndash;as if Jewishness was not defined by the moral, spiritual, or communal commitments of the last two thousand years but only to fidelity to a state that was never accepted by, lived in, or created by all Jews. One which was not created as a fulfillment of millennia-old Jewish religious expectations&ndash;whatever one thinks of them&ndash; but as a betrayal of them. I see propaganda replacing education; brainwashing replacing reason. The quality of discourse in mainstream Israeli politics- and among Israel&rsquo;s North American defenders, now resembles the worst jingoist gibberish of 1930s Fascists or 2021 Trumpists.</p> <p><a href="https://matthewzgindin.medium.com/why-i-am-not-leaving-the-jewish-people-8c1bc4e0189e"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Jewish