The Nazis Are Among Us — Look Left

<p>Today was the deadliest day for Jewish people since the Holocaust. What started in Israel as Simchat Torah, a sacred Jewish holiday of joy (and Shabbat) mutated into a terrorist attack tantamount to America&rsquo;s 9/11. An Islamist jihad on Israeli civilians by Hamas has left 700 dead so far, with hundreds more expected to die, thousands injured, and over 100 captured.</p> <p>The captured include literal babies, children, families, and elderly, including Holocaust survivors. Videos of torture and rape and massacring of captured civilians have already circulated across social media. Israelis continue to endure the rainfall of rockets, destroying their homes as they hide out in bomb shelters, trying to locate missing loved ones &mdash; praying they are still alive.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Jewish