The Word (Logos) in John 1: Gnostic or Jewish Origins?

<p>The Logos (Word) was a common term in many religions/philosophies of the first century. So the many proposed overlaps between these beliefs and John 1:1&ndash;18 are not unsurprising.</p> <p>Talmudic scholar Daniel Boyarin offers a unique perspective. A Rabbi immersed in the origins of early Judaism and Christianity. His book&nbsp;<em>Border Lines&nbsp;</em>traces the influence of &lsquo;Logos theology&rsquo; in this period. He finds evidence of a common tradition in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible), Philo, John&rsquo;s Gospel and the Aramaic Targums.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Jewish Origins