Jetpack Compose Side Effects in Details

<p>Jetpack Compose has made UI development in Android a lot easier, but it&rsquo;s still crucial to understand how to manage UI effects properly for better performance. In this article, we&rsquo;ll explore three important Composable functions that help us manage UI effects effectively: SideEffect, LaunchedEffect, and DisposableEffect.</p> <h1>Why Side-effects?</h1> <p>The purpose of side effects in Jetpack Compose is to allow for the execution of non-UI related operations that change the state of the app outside of a Composable function in a controlled and predictable manner.</p> <p>Side effects, such as updating a database or making a network call, should be kept separate from the UI rendering logic to improve the performance and maintainability of the code.</p> <p>Jetpack Compose provides several Composable functions, such as SideEffect, LaunchedEffect, and DisposableEffect, that enable developers to manage side effects effectively, by decoupling them from the UI rendering logic and executing them in a separate coroutine scope.</p> <p>The main benefits of using side effects in Jetpack Compose are:</p> <ol> <li>Improved Performance: By executing non-UI related operations outside of the Composable functions, the UI rendering logic can remain responsive and performant.</li> <li>Better Code Organization: By separating non-UI related operations from the UI rendering logic, the codebase becomes easier to understand and maintain.</li> <li>Better Debugging: Side effects can be used for logging and analytics operations, which can help developers better understand the behavior of their apps and identify issues.</li> </ol> <p>In summary, the purpose of side effects in Jetpack Compose is to improve the performance, maintainability, and debugging of the codebase by separating non-UI related operations from the UI rendering logic.</p> <p><a href="">Website</a></p>