Jetpack Compose — Drawing custom shapes (Circle, Rect, Paths)
<p>Before starting, it’s good to have a grid notebook, something you can just use pen and paper and draw what you want to draw there first. The 0,0 is always in the top left corner. It’s basicly the reverse coordinate system. In a grid of 100x100, the bottom right corner is 100,100. All these examples will use a canvas of 100x100. For each of the example I’m gonna use a little different approach. End result still remains the same.</p>
<p>The most basic way to draw the circle</p>
fun MyCircle(){
<em>Canvas</em>(modifier = Modifier.<em>size</em>(100.<em>dp</em>), onDraw = <strong>{
</strong>drawCircle(color = Color.Red)
<p><img alt="" src="*o1_MagQWVL3b_u1fRgRVGg.png" style="height:280px; width:330px" /></p>
<p>Drawing Micky Mouse (kinda). May seem a lot, but its just basicly 3 circles. One for head and two for ears. Head at center, left ear at 25x25 and right ear at 75x25.</p>
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