Installing & switching between multiple JDK on macOS

<p>None of the operating systems comes with a preinstalled JDK, including macOS. In this post, let&#39;s see how to manually install and manage multiple JDK on macOS.</p> <blockquote> <p><strong>If you are not interested in any explanation, go to the very end of the post for commands. But I&rsquo;ll recommend reading it.</strong></p> </blockquote> <p>A well-known process for installing any software on macOS is, either clicking an app icon or drag-and-drop the app icon into the Applications folder. This hides all installation details under the fancy app icons and an in-progress bar.</p> <p>However, we developers like to see the logs and play with the command line tools. For this purpose,&nbsp;<code><strong>Linux Distros</strong></code>&nbsp;use package managers like&nbsp;<code><strong>yum</strong></code>&nbsp;or&nbsp;<code><strong>apt-get</strong></code>. But as with all things Apple, Most common free software don&#39;t work in macOS. This is where&nbsp;<code><strong>HomeBrew</strong></code>&nbsp;comes to the rescue</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: JDK macOS