The Uniqueness of Japanese Time

<p>Isolated for centuries while the rest of the world was industrializing, Japan developed many unique ways of living. One of the strangest to our modern thinking was a system for counting time where the length of an hour changed daily.</p> <p>The way of counting time used everywhere now is called a &ldquo;fixed hour system.&rdquo; Each day has 24 hours, and each hour is the same length of time. We further divide each hour into 60 minutes of 60 seconds, derived from Babylonian numerology.</p> <p>A fixed time system is well suited to mechanical (and now electrical) time counting devices &mdash; clocks. A clock uses either a pendulum or spring (and now quartz crystals) to mark fixed amounts of time. Add the right set of gears (or chips) and it&rsquo;s easy to count the minutes and hours of the day.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
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